[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,SetLastError = true))]
static extern EXECUTION_STATE SetThreadExecutionState(EXECUTION_STATE esFlags);
public enum EXECUTION_STATE :uint
ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED = 0x00000001,
// Legacy flag, should not be used.
// ES_USER_PRESENT = 0x00000004,
ES_CONTINUOUS = 0x80000000,
There is no need to store the state you set, Windows remembers it for you. Just set it back to ES_CONTINUOUS when you don't want it anymore.
Also note that this setting is per thread/application not global, so if you go to ES_CONTINUOUS and another app/thread is still setting ES_DISPLAY the display will be kept on.
Note that the return value is the EXECUTION_STATE that ''was'' set.
Please add some!
void PreventMonitorPowerdown ()
void AllowMonitorPowerdown ()
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